23 de marzo de 2020

6º curso Parte II: Ancient Rome Project

Hi there!!

Os dejo un texto para que leáis sobre los Romanos. Y así refrescar lo que hemos estado viendo estos meses.

IMPORTANTE: Al final de todo encontraréis unas preguntas, las podéis hacer en una hoja o libreta. NO es necesario imprimir nada.


Introduction: A lit bit of History
 The Romans came to Britain in 43 AD and they stayed for nearly 400 years. The Romans brought lots of new ideas to Britain. They built long roads, so people could travel more easily. They built new towns and cities, brought animals like cats, chicken, rabbits, and herbs (“medicines”).

A Typical Day
 A typical Roman day started with a small breakfast and then they went to work. They worked some hours: they started in the morning and finished in the afternoon. After work they took a bath in the public baths so they met their friends.
 Finally, they had dinner at 3pm approximately.

 Most Romans ate a light breakfast and little food during the day, but they ate a big dinner. Dinner was a major event starting at around three in the afternoon. 
 They ate with spoons, sometimes a knife or a fork… but they used their hands a lot!!
They drank from metal cups.

Ancient Roman Jobs
 In Ancient Rome there was a big society with different  jobs:
  • Farmers - They grew vegetables (wheat, potatoes…) in the countryside and had farm animals like horses, sheep… And they made bread with wheat.
  • Soldiers - They worked in the Roman Army. There were a lot of soldiers. They wore armours, helmets and spades. They defended the Roman Empire.
  • Merchants - They bought and sold different products: food, clothes, spices…around the cities.
  • Craftsmen - They did arts and crafts like vases, plates, pots, mosaics, etc. They worked in big workshops.
  • Entertainers - The Romans loved spectacles. They had musicians, dancers, actors  and gladiators.
  • Lawyers, Government, Teachers, Engineers - Thanks to the Romans, today we have laws and different constructions like roads or aqueducts. They also spoke and wrote in Latin. Spanish and French come from Latin language.

 The family unit was very important to the Romans. The most important was the father.

 Roman children started school with 7 years old. There were “public and private schools”. They studied: reading, writing, Math, Literature, and debate. They also wrote letters on wood.
 At school there were more boys than girls. Poor children did not go to school.

 They lived in two different type of houses made of stone:
  1. Apartments: insulae
  2. Private houses. This houses had a hall, a small swimming pool, a living room, a dining  room, bedrooms and the kitchen. 

Men wore a long tunic, a belt, a toga, cloaks (“jackets”) and underclothes.
Women wore a tunic, a stola if they were married, cloaks (“jackets”) and underclothes.
Men and women wore sandals and women had earrings, necklaces, tiaras and bracelets.  

1. When did the Romans arrive in Britain?
2. Which animals did they bring?
3. What time did they have dinner? Was it small or big?
4. What did they use to drink?

A _________ is a persona who worked in spectacles.
A _________ bought and sold products.
An apartment was called an __________.

True or False?
1. The most important person in a family was the sister.
2. Romans lived in houses made of stones.
3. Men and women wore trainers on their feet.

Finalmente, os dejo unos vídeos que os pueden ser útiles (uno ya los vimos en clase), pero os sirve de repaso para cuando podamos acabar el project. También podéis activar los subtítulos en el otros, (si queréis):

See you soon,


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