2 de abril de 2020

5º y 6º: repasamos biografías en Past Simple.

Hello everyone!

How are you? I hope you are good and safe at home!
I imagine you are a little bit bored... so here you can find some exercises!

Hoy vamos a repasar las biografías en Past Simple. Básicamente es lo mismo que en presente pero cambiado los verbos.

Las biografías en pasado se suelen hacer de gente que ya no está con nosotros, que ha fallecido: cantantes, familiares, científicos, jugadores de fútbol, baloncesto, etc.

Lo primero que necesitamos saber es qué PRONOMBRE PERSONAL vamos a utilizar, normalmente será He or She. Pero si son varios usaremos They.

Esto NO afectará a los verbos en Past Simple. ¿Recuerdas que siempre se conjugan igual? EXCEPTION: TO BE!

En segundo lugar, tenemos que pensar qué verbos necesitamos:

Y en tercer lugar hay que buscar la información que necesitamos para hacer esa biografía.
Mis datos:

Y por último, escribo el mini texto:

She was Amelia Earhart. She was an aviator.
She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean.
She was American. She lived in Kansas.
She died when she was 40 years old. She disappeared.
She was born on the 24th of July in 1897 in Atchison, Kansas and she died on the 2nd of July in 1937.
She had a father (Edwin), a mother (Amy) and a sister.
She studied at the University of Columbia.
She was tall. She had short hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a sweater and trousers.
She loved flying her yellow plane called “Canary”.


TAREA 1: write about an important woman in our History. Escribe sobre una mujer importante en nuestra historia. Sigue los pasos que yo hice. Escribe frases cortas que sepas. Siempre puedes usar el diccionario online: www.wordreference.com y los apuntes de clase.

TAREA 2: Homenaje a una profesión MUY importante con esta situación del COVID-19.
Listen and answer. Escucha este vídeo y responde a las siguientes preguntas:

What was her name?
Where was she from?
Where did she lived?
She was born on the ...
What was she wearing?
She was a... (profesión)
She liked....
She had a ... on her hand.

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